by Tina | Mar 31, 2015 | Devotional
Today I thought I would give you a glimpse of the past week. When people ask what a typical day involves, I have a hard time even coming up with generals. Every day is flexible!
Last week I got to go the the church across the street, where they were holding their “womens camp”. I got to talk with about 300 women on Wednesday about the AWANA program and the Days for Girls a bit as well. On Thursday I also attended and prayed for the widows of the denomination and got to speak a bit about how women of the church have spoken into my life and taught me much about the Christian life. I also found out that one of our staff members wives was very sick and gave birth to a stillborn baby. Then I made a new cover for the ironing board, as there were no other options in our town.
On Friday, I took oils and slept all day as I have been sick with a cough, headache, plugged nose, etc. Yesterday I finally got it licked with my DoTerra essential oils and today am very pleased to feel “normal” again! Saturday, we worked around the house and explored a web-based team-building program and Dan and I each took the assessments to see how we fit into a team. It was election day and very quiet here. Sunday we went to church, ate lunch, I took a nap, and we watched some Hawaii 5-0.
Monday I found out that the patient that we gave a blood transfusion on Thursday passed away with complications from HIV, leaving a one month old baby and a very old grandmother to care for her. I also discussed nutrition group training with the nurses and how we can best help these poor grandmothers and these little babies that are motherless.
This morning started off with no water in the house and no electricity from the generators that were worked on yesterday. This is the story of weeks here. Sometimes overwhelming, sometimes, heart-wrenching, sometimes so joyful there are no words to describe. But in every day, in every moment we know God is here with us. Gently nudging us in the right direction. 
My point for today is this: Easter is on Sunday, we celebrate the risen Savior and why we are even here on this Earth. In the midst of the weirdness and wackiness of everyday life this week, where will you see Him? Where will you be Him to someone who does not even know?
by Tina | Mar 22, 2015 | Devotional
Today was a reflective day for me. We arrived in Abuja Thursday evening. Friday we did ALL of the errands we had to do (this is a record, as it usually takes a week to accomplish anything here) and got to visit some friends who have become very dear to us. Saturday found us leaving at 9:30 am to go HOME. We stopped at Gboko.
You see, today (exactly 3 years ago) we were ambushed at this spot near Bali. We stopped to take a memorial picture. Peter, our driver, was injured greatly, Jim had head wounds, and I was shot. I think God has a very interesting sense of timing! Peter is still our driver and doing well except for one finger that he can’t move. Jim healed up and so did I.
When I think of what has transpired since that time, I get kind of dizzy! We started on the process of becoming missionaries, filling out lots of paperwork, writing papers,and taking personality tests. We were commissioned, trained, and started raising support as well as working. We sold our home, moved in with friends, and continued to raise support. Dan worked and I worked on support raising appointments until April of last year when we arrived at our goal and were approved to leave. We thought our Visawould be forth-coming and we finally got to leave in September. We spent the Spring, Summer, and part of Autumn working around our house, packing things to take, and getting to spend time with Dan’s parents and helping them with what we could.
We left for Gembu on September 23 and spent three months figuring out what is here, what God was leading us to do here, and how to proceed with that plan.
We left Gembu December 16, Dan had his vein surgery the 18th, spent time with family and friends, worked on raising money for medical equipment we need to transition from the clinic to a hospital, connected with organizations that help missionaries with medical equipment, connected with a missionary who can help us get a container of medical supplies over here, and loaded up about 33 pallets of equipment and supplies, as well as 72 solar panels, and equipment to start a mechanic shop. We also found out and collected all of the supplies we need to get started with the Days for Girls Project and 100 girls kits and 100 post-partum kits as well as receiving blankets.
That is a brief over-view of the past 3 years. Did we know everything that would be involved when we said “We will go”? No we didn’t, we took it one step at a time. Many of done much more in shorter amounts of time, so we know we are not superheroes or anything, but we did what we had to do and just took the next step forward. Guess what? Go
My point in all of this today is this: Do you sometimes get frustrated that you are not able to do many things that you think should happen tomorrow? Take one step at a time forward. Everyday take as many steps as you can forward, but do not forget the important people in your life in the journey.
by Tina | Mar 18, 2015 | Devotional
This week has been full of last glimpses for us. The picture is my last look off the deck (my favorite place to be) before we left Pine River. We have said good by to family and friends. We have the hope that we will visit over the internet or Skype. We have prayed, hugged, cried, and enjoyed our time with our loved ones and so many friends. It is time to go back to Nigeria, time to take the things that we have spent the last 3 months dreaming about and working on and put feet to them!
We covet your prayers as we go back to Nigeria. We try to work like it depends on us, but we pray like it depends on God, because it does. He has proven so very faithful, in so many ways. I am floored at His goodness. It amazes me how I have 2 homes on this Earth now: Minnesota and Nigeria. How does God do it? I don’t know, but I know when you are not at one home, you are missing the other!
My point for today is this: Enjoy and embrace the time where you are, when you are there. We never know when that will change. Love to you, Friends, Signing off from Coon Rapids, MN!
by Tina | Mar 5, 2015 | Devotional
Hello World! We have been very busy meeting with people and organizations lining up this container of medical supplies. We load up supplies tomorrow morning bright and early from the organization donating a huge share of supplies. Some volunteers will help us pull from their inventory and load up a truck and take it to our friends warehouse to wait for the container to get to come. We have received wonderful donations of baby clothes, sewing materials and machines, as well as a lot of funds to help us get this container to Nigeria. We have been prayed for and loved on so much, I don’t know if anyone could be more loved!
As I think about leaving for Nigeria March 18 I am excited to get to proceed with our plans and then how God alters them to be His plan (that seems to be how it always works!)
This is a picture of part of our security wall at GECHAAN. Many people have given and raised funds to make our compound safer in Nigeria and I hate to say it, but it reminds me of the many walls I have built around my heart as a younger woman. I was so afraid of being hurt, criticized, even loved that I would keep people at arms length and I was so afraid of letting anyone in to hurt me. I’m so thankful my Jesus is constantly chipping away at my walls and showing me He is the ONE I can rely on. People are human and will let us down and that is O.K. My Jesus never will. My point for you to think of today is this: Do you have walls that are holding you back? Are they stopping you from loving with abandon? Are you afraid to come out from behind that wall in fear of being hurt? May I encourage you to take a baby step out today and see how YOUR Jesus can help you!
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