Remember and Move On!
One year ago on March 22, we were in Nigeria and I got shot. This is one of those “pile of stone” moments for me.
You know, when the children of Israel piled stones in areas to remember and tell their children the stories of God’s protection and direction?
I have items all over our house to remind me of different times in my life when I felt God spoke to me and led me. A heart-shaped rock from Mexico from our first mission’s trip, a piece of pottery that I wrote on when I felt God confirming that He had another job for Dan and I. A picture out of the window of the van as I sat there after being shot and praying and feeling personally HIS protection.
I like to remember the feeling of the moment when I FIRST felt God speaking. It helps me to remember and then gives me strength to continue on.
A year ago, I don’t know if I could have ever dreamt of where we would be this year. Here are a few of the highlights of this past year. Our youngest son, Robert, married Katie, they had a wonderful wedding on October 27 and are currently working on buying a house. Our oldest son, Andrew, is working two jobs, saving, and doing better than ever. God has blessed us here and we are thankful.
We have met so many wonderful, encouraging people since last years Nigerian trip. Wonderful Nigerians who were very sad that I had been shot, wonderful media and news people who interviewed us when we got back in the States. People that we have been blessed with in sharing our vision to getting to Nigeria very soon. Friends and others supporting us both in prayer and financially believing in the work going on in GECHAAN and in our ability to continue on with Art and Dorothy there. So many, young, old, different walks of life. We have been so blessed!
We are looking forward to a summer of visiting anyone that will listen to us and partner with us in our work in Nigeria. Developing partners in prayer and financially. Selling the house, it goes on the market this week. Phasing down in our current jobs. I sit here in my favorite chair in our wonderful house Dan built knowing that next year at this time, it will all have changed.
Here’s my point for today. It is good, healthy, and wise to look back, but then we most move forward!
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