The Invitation Part 3
James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
These verses are the verses that call us to GECHAAN. For Dan and I to feel called to the Nigerian people in this way and not to go, is not what our loving Father has planned for us. Where He calls us, we will follow.
Today I continue our story of how God has been preparing our hearts and lives for His service at GECHAAN in Nigeria.
When our children were young, Dan and I embarked on a multi-level marketing plan to improve our family’s financial future. Little did we know that God would use our experience here to greatly enhance our lives and our marriage. Dan and I have always felt uncomfortable talking with people we don’t know and to tell you the truth, I had the people skills of the average hermit-and not a very nice hermit at that! When people started pouring into our lives and encouraging us to read positive things to help us with our lives and our marriage, and we did them, great things started very gradually happening. We grew closer together as we were working toward the same goal. We also grew as people as we used tools to help us be Godly leaders that related to people and could talk to them and started to love learning how to be better Leaders.
Now, do you think God can use Amway to develop His children for His service? I certainly do! I can clearly see the young adults we WERE are not the confidant, loving people we ARE NOW. God has used PMA to help develop His children and to mold us and shape us into people willing to learn more about being Leaders in His kingdom.
My point for today’s lesson is God uses those willing to learn. When we’re stuck in our ways, not willing to expand ourselves for His kingdom, we are the ones that lose! Remember, God has chosen to use YOU-He could have used a donkey if He had been so inclined, but He is calling to YOU!
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