Days For Girls
I haven’t really told you how much I LOVE talking to women and girls! When I go to schools, churches, womans’ Quranic schools I am so excited and energized! Of course it is much easier when there is not a language barrier as I can speak so much more freely with women and girls one on one. But, this is an awesome way to affect the most marginalized populations in our area. Because we are all women, we have so many things in common!
Here in our part of Nigeria most people can speak a little English, even if they do not really understand when someone is speaking English to them. Well, this picture is from one of the last churches I visited. I needed to bring someone to translate for me that spoke Fulfolde. I always make sure everyone can understand and comprehend what we are talking about. Magdaline, our Pharmacy Lead came to help me and she did an awesome job!
We talked about how our womanly bodies work, we talked about menopause, puberty, menstration and much more. We talked about mothering, hygiene, germs, so much! You see, through Days for Girls I have a wonderful flip chart as well as the format and education to assist me in helping them visualize what is going on inside their bodies. This opens up wonderful discussions on being a woman of any age! All of the women thanked me heartily after we were done with all of the questions, and asked if I would come back to talk to them again about other things pertaining to women that they could learn.
Women of my age (50’s and older) I have a challenge for you! You have a gift of years and hopefully wisdom learned through those years. As women living in developed countries, also education. So many times young women experience judgement, or “my children never did that” from women they may look up to and try to emulate. I have been guilty of this sooo many times and I regret those actions and words as well as the discouragement I may have caused those searching for some understanding and comfort that they too can survive this stage of life and even thrive in it.
Are you the type of woman who encourages other women? Have you made it a lifestyle to constantly look for something positive to say to people you don’t even know or barely know? If you aren’t, I would like you to remember this. YOU can be a voice of hope, of life, of living water to a younger persons’ life. You can make a difference, perhaps an eternal difference in someone’s life.
Now I am not talking about giving unsolicited advice. I am talking about encouraging, and when you are asked for advice, give it honestly, tactfully, and lovingly with prayer. Think of what a growing place our churches would be and the confidence our young mothers would gain through mentoring.
My point for this week is this: Are you a life-giver or a joy-stealer? In my opinion, if you aren’t the first then you are the latter.
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