by Tina | Jan 30, 2015 | Devotional
This week has been very busy and I write this post today from our very own couch in our little house in Pine River. We have had meeting after meeting this week and it has been awesome! We have met with a non-profit that collects hospital supplies and equipment and donates them to missionaries. We hope to be getting quite a few items that we need for the hospital project and all we have to do is pay to get them to Gembu! We have met with individuals, churches, small group Bible studies, as well as our wonderful travel coordinator who orders our plane tickets and always gets us the very best price!
Today I am struck with how it takes ALL of us to do the work in Gembu. The picture above are some of our partners making the Days for Girls kits. Isn’t it amazing how God can bring people together using the gifts He gave them, to accomplish His purpose here on Earth?
I, for one, am humbled and excited that He chose me to work in Nigeria! He has created each of us for a purpose and it’s our job to listen! How is your hearing today?
by Tina | Jan 21, 2015 | Devotional
Here we are on the road again. We thought our travelling days were over for a bit, but not so! We went to Florida last week and are on a road trip to Michigan with a lot of meetings talking with churches and individuals about funds for our hospital plan. We are also meeting with organizations that deal with hospital equipment.
We are at Art and Dorothy Helwig’s house in Michigan meeting about future plans for Gembu. We have had very few nights in a row in the same place but God is blessing! We are making wonderful connections and gathering resources.

On Saturday we had a Days for Girls Event at Edinbrook Church. It was awesome to see this in action and I can’t tell you again how much I believe this organization and the concept of this is going to really benefit our women and girls in Gembu, Nigeria!
Today I am once again blown away at the way God keeps blessing and blessing! We have hit a lot of JoAnn Fabric stores to purchase flannel for our Days for Girls kits. We are not able to find flannel currently in Nigeria. People ask what we need that much flannel for and we tell them. We are so blown away by peoples interest and responses.
My thought for today is this: What if I was content with my life as it was? Do not get me wrong, I loved my life and I loved knowing exactly what each day would hold. I DON’T ANYMORE! I would be missing out on the blessing of having God use me in His plan for this great big world. What if I would have been afraid to go back to Nigeria because I got shot the first time? I would be the one missing out! Think about this? What does fear stop you from doing?
by Tina | Jan 13, 2015 | Devotional
Dear Friends,
It has been a while since I posted. We have been traveling CONSTANTLY and I finally have enough time to think here in Florida to update you on what is going on in our lives.
We left Gembu on December 10, heading for Abuja. We stayed with our friends, Mark and Sabrina Holmes. They are dear, new friends who, along with their 5 young children, are missionaries in Abuja. We finished up the things that we needed to do as far as banking, buying our vehicle and last clean details of the Abuja house. We said goodbye to Nigeria around midnight on December 15. It was sad to be leaving, but we knew we also needed to leave for the elections in Nigeria and that we had work to do in the States as well.
We arrived in Minneapolis on December 16, Dan had his leg surgery on the 18th and the Dr. said he is doing very well. We enjoyed Christmas with Tina’s family and our boys came to Pine River and we spent New Years weekend with them. We have been meeting with individuals and churches as much as possible as we are working on raising some work funds to start making some of the changes needed to turn the Clinic into a Hospital. We have also been shopping ALOT! We are finding flannel fabric for the Days for Girls Project as well as other items we are not able to find in Nigeria. I met with my dear friend, Mary, who donated our sewing machines to use in our DFG project in Nigeria and sweet friends, the Rasmussens, who gathered donations and gave us an essential oil kit to keep us healthy in Nigeria! We have never been more humbled or excited as we talk with people about our dreams and plans for Gembu and what God is doing there!
We have made a trip to Florida to connect with the Converge staff and to update some of our things like a video and web-site page as well as a couple of wonderful days with our long-time friends, Ivan and Susan Veldhuizen. I am sitting on their couch typing this right now with a warm breeze blowing in and water splashing in the background.
Next week we may or may not go to Michigan. We are working on some meetings and are feeling that God may be leading us to travel there for some meetings.
Here are our prayer requests for our dear prayer warriors out there!
Please pray that we can make the connections needed in getting the hospital equipment that we need at the best price and the best way and that we truly hear the Lord’s voice in this.
Please pray for Tina’s mom who is recovering from a severe fall and new hip replacement.
Please pray for safety in much traveling while we are in the United States.
Pray for favor in meetings with potential work funds supporters.
Thank you, dear friends! We appreciate and love each one of you and are humbled to think we are able to be God’s employees!
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