Best Summer EVER?
Our local Christian radio station’s tagline this summer is, “Best Summer Ever”. This morning I was in a “meh” mood and thought, “That’s kind of a laugh, this summer so far has been the suckiest on record!” (Confession time, I tend to tell it like it is, and “sucky” is it!)
Let me tell you about summer so far. It has rained every day and we have had a couple of sunny days only. I love the sun! We spent Mother’s Day working on the house and Father’s Day working on things and every day and night painting, carpeting, cleaning, moving, sorting. All of this to find out that what we were working toward, (being out of our house so the new owners could take possession in two weeks) They cancelled the contract two weeks before we were supposed to be out! This leaves us in our house with no food, our bed, a loveseat recliner and our clothes! Last night Dan said, “We don’t even have Barbecue sauce,” and to that I said, “we don’t have anything to put barbecue sauce on!”, and we laughed!
So, what do we decide to do, re-finish wood floors, paint the area my mom lived in and re-do the deck boards. This house IS going to sell this summer! All the while we are working on the house, we are thinking we need to be developing partners so we can get to GECHAAN by October and be fully-funded!~
So, I have discovered that at 49 years of age I really am a first-born otter child! I have always considered myself more of a worker-bee. I am finding I am very tired of this and want it to be OVER! I want to dance in the sun (even if I can’t dance) and scrap book, and enjoy time with my husband, children, and friends. I want to be lazy and drink coffee and laugh!
There! That is over, here is what I’m learning. Dan and I are working better than ever together. We are doing everything we can together and working very well as a team, this was not always the case ;). We are enjoying the time we spend together doing whatever it is we have to do, even if we don’t enjoy the task. We are striving toward something bigger than ourselves. This time will be over, the house will be sold, our jobs will be gone, and we will be in Gembu, Nigeria in God’s time. We need to be faithful to do the possible so that God can do the impossible. We have dear friends starting to support us, and are making contacts with churches that we don’t know yet. It is good! I have always been a poor long-term planner, I am more of a short-term pleasure sort of gal. I am so thankful to be married to a long-time planner and thinker!
So, here is my point for today, “Don’t give up God’s long-term plan for YOU, for short summer-time pleasure!” I would hate to look back on the summer and think what could have been if I hadn’t given it my all. STRAIGHT AHEAD, as our friend, Pastor Joel says!
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