Winter in my soul!
I know it has been a long time since we have blogged. Dan and I had a misunderstanding on who was blogging and how that should go. So….. here I am. For those of you who don’t know what we have been up to I’d like to update you on our progress.
We have replaced carpet, laminate, and painted our entire house. I am currently bleaching out windows and we are working on refinishing them, because of water, etc. We continue to give much away, take a couple of loads a week to Savers, sell on Craig’s List and E-Bay. We are getting ready to put the house on the market in about two weeks or so!
We are living in Minnesota, I am not sure all of you understand what this means. Right now in Minnesota it is still cold, windy, and snowy AND it is March! We are ready for Spring! I was tossing this around my brain today and realized that my soul is ready for Spring as well. God tells us in Galatians 3:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” That is Spring for my soul. Dan and I are physically weary- working full-time, constantly working on the house, going through 31 years of possessions as we have kept everything “in case we need it again”, phasing out of volunteer and other responsibilities, family, and raising support as we would like to be on the field by December of 2013.
This TOTALLY encourages me, just like I know Spring will come to Minnesota, we will also make it to Nigeria in HIS timing, not ours. A wonderful Pastor friend of ours, ends most of his chats with, “Straight Ahead”, and so I say this to you, Straight ahead with what He’s doing in and through YOU!
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