by Tina | Mar 13, 2012 | Devotional
Today has been a great day, woke up at 5:00 when Muslim prayers started, then there were the roosters, sounds of children walking to school and people busily going to their days.
We started with devotions with the staff, breakfast, then off to visit the US immigration and police. The police weren’t there, so they are coming to us tomorrow am.
Dan, Pete, and Jim ran wire for Art’s internet, and then Dan worked on some “computery things”. Dan worked with some men fixing some file cabinets while Pete and Jim worked on roofing with some guys on the new storage building. I talked with Dorothy, worked WAY too long trying to figure out how to put pictures on here and toured the offices and a lot of other buildings.
We had a lunchof Foo Foo with the Directors and some staff. We both decided that we love Foo Foo! Have a wonderful night or day (I have no idea what time it is!!), we love you and thank you for praying for us here at GECHAAN.
by Tina | Mar 12, 2012 | Devotional

We have arrived in Gembu. It has been a long day today, we loaded the van at 5:30am and arrived at GECHAAN at 6:00 pm. We were some pretty happy campers. The road was bumpy, We saw Fuloni people herding cows, that was so interesting! And so many things we haven`t even seen before in person. At 8:30 am tomorrow we to to devotions at the Life Line Center, then breakfast, then off to tell the US Embassy and police we are here. Not sure what after that.
Tonight after supper, we heard the Muslim cry for prayer, what a different, memorable for us to go to sleep.
by Tina | Mar 11, 2012 | Devotional
Dear Friends, we arrived in Africa with no incident, made it through the airport and Abuja with no challenges. We are now in Makirdi to spend the afternoon/evening. We will leave at 5:30 am to finish our last leg to Gembu. It is wonderful and warm.
by Dan | Mar 8, 2012 | Devotional
Made the first leg of the trip! We will post as soon as we can. Please continue to pray for safe travel. We love you all!!!!
by Tina | Mar 5, 2012 | Kudos, Ministry
We have been gathering things to take with us to Africa, we have piles of things, empty suitcases, clothing, so much!! We have been doing 2 Perspectives Lessons a week so that we don’t have to while we are in Gembu, add that to gathering the information we will need to have in order to work on our Integrated Project for the Perspectives Class while we are in Africa and we have quite the interesting situation going on in our house right now.
This morning in church (Edinbrook Church) Pastor John prayed for the four of us as we are leaving on Friday morning. What a blessed time that was!! We are so thankful for the great number of people who came up to us and told us that they are supporting us. God is so good, isn’t He? Thank you for encouraging us in this way!!! We look forward to what the Lord has to show us as we go.
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