Reflections – 5 years ago Today…

Written by Tina

March 22, 2017

Today is one of the “memorial days” for our journey to Nigeria.  March 22, 2012 was the fateful day that we were on our way back to the airport to embark on our “missionary adventure”.  After deciding that, Yes, this is where God wants us, we can’t do it ourselves, the job is too big for us, for anyone.  Art and Dorothy assured us that what they have done the past 10 plus years was listen to God’s leading and people were helped and God was glorified.  We decided that, yes, we could do that!

We were excitedly talking about the mission trips we would have and the groups we would get to come help us when we rolled up to that fateful “check point” that wasn’t a check point.  It was an attempted robbery.  I was shot and two other people were injured as well!

It was a confusing day, it was the longest day of my life thus far, BUT it was a good day.  Let me tell you why March 22 is a “pile of rocks” memorial in our lives.  That was the day that God spoke to each of us clearly and loudly amidst the confusion, fear, and blood He said, “This is where I want you, I will take care of you”.  Immediately we were assured of His plan and we knew we were going to be okay.

Even amid Boka Haram violence, Ebola scares, and tribal riots we have not had fear.  God already told us and showed us that He had our backs and He was in control of EVERYTHING.

Tomorrow Dan leaves to pick up our first short-term mission group coming from that same home church that we came from 5 years ago. Those dreams we dreamed about the things that could be done with a mission team are coming true.  I have to tell you the funniest thing that happened after the “incident”.  Dan (my 0% empathetic spouse) said, “No one is going to send a mission trip here now, they are never going to send any youth EVER!” I’m thankful that God works in spite of what seems “prudent” to our human minds.

My point for today is this:  If God is in it, He always finds a way and He makes that way very clear to those that listen. Are you taking time to listen.  Please pray for these 10 people making their way to Gembu this week and the work we have to accomplish while they are here.


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