Converge Biannual Conference.

Written by Dan

June 25, 2012

This is going to be an eventful week. Edinbrook has Vacation Bible School this week so Tina has been very busy getting ready for that, plus we just wrapped up our first in a series of “Garage Sales.”  This time Tina had out a lot of Scrap-booking supplies and between Friday and Saturday we made just under $1,500!

Anyway, Tuesday we leave for Washington DC for the Converge Biannual Conference.  Our main purpose is for our official commissioning service on Friday evening. But we will have several other opportunities while we are there. Art & Dorothy Helwig  will be there so we will have an opportunity to spend more time with them learning more of what will be required of us when we arrive in Nigeria. We will rub shoulders and share where God is leading use with Converge church leaders from all over the country. Then after the conference we will be staying for 3 days of training in Missionary Partner Development.  We will also be finishing up an interview with the “Point” magazine (this is the official Converge Magazine), be watching it looks like GECHAAN will be the feature story for the fall issue!

Please pray that we make valuable  Church connections while we are there.

1 Comment

  1. Sandy Lipinoga

    My prayers are with you with your travels, with your commissioning and with the efforts to get funding for this mission………..God bless you both and your endeavors……….HE will be with you!!!!


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