Every Sunday we go to a different church to connect with congregations as we are a para-church organization. This morning we went to church at one of the churches that is doing the AWANA Clubs. I was so blessed to be able to witness this church (who just recently started doing any children’s ministry) bring all of their children onto the platform, anoint each one and then pray for the children. After that, the Pastor called up all of the children’s workers (both Sunday mornings and AWANA Clubs) and anointed each one, prayed for, and blessed them for ministry.
Friends, I can’t tell you how choked up and a little teary I was. This is not a typical thing in our area of the country. Four years ago when I first learned that AWANA had developed their program to better fit developing countries. I knew that we needed to do what we could, with God’s help, to get this awesome training program to our area of Nigeria. I have seen the change in children and families through AWANA when God gets into their hearts and they are consistently discipled (and I knew the lack of resources in Nigeria for such things).
I don’t know if you know this, but an adult empowered to teach children gets as much back as they give. Things only children can give! I have worked with small children for years, and I still miss it. I am, however, making in-roads here with the children. I have a few little friends here, but there are still a lot of children that are afraid as they have not seen a white person before. There is a very long way to go, but these little hearts and smiles so bless me!
We also had communion this morning and on the dusty, stained cement floor, someone had spilled some drops of juice. When I saw this, immediately it reminded me of Christ’s blood, shed for me. Christ’s blood shed for these little children and their families.
My point for today is this: We all have children in our lives, no matter if we think we are “kid people” or not, it is our job and privilege to share love and compassion and the story of redemption with them. How do you treat the children in your life? This Christmas can you give them something better than stuff? Give them a little part of you, give them love and understanding. Show them Jesus. Just something to think about as you prepare your heart to celebrate Christmas.