How time seems to fly around the holidays. It would seem that I have missed a couple of weeks of posting. I can’t give you a specific success story this week but I can tell you that the last couple of weeks I have been more aware of the people around me and have tried to watch for new faces at church and make them feel welcome. It is always amazing to me how easy it is to get into our own little rut and forget to reach out to people we meet each day. We have talked about this in our Saturday men’s group, how easy it is to hit the garage door opener pull into the garage and close the door and never need to deal with our neighbors. Point being touch peoples lives!
Challenge #4:
I was naked and you clothed Me.
I am not sure about you but I typically do not see a lot of naked people in my daily activities. What I do know is that as Tina and I prepare to sell the house and down size we have hauled countless bags of clothing from our over-stuffed closet to Savers or Goodwill making it once again hard to imagine that there are people that do not have enough. So as you go through your week take a look in your closet and see what there is that is just like new that you really don’t need ad pass it on to someone else, and again if you are in our church look up Ken Dean and see what he can use for winter coats in the ministry that he is involved in. Chose to be aware of this need so that you will be able to bless others when the need arises!