God Can Use Chickens Too!

Written by Tina

October 20, 2016

Yesterday the coolest thing happened! During staff devotions I sat next to an older woman holding a chicken. Now I know this is Nigeria, but typically people don’t bring their chickens to their appointments with them. After staff devotions, Grace, our Program Director talked with her and she told Grace that she brought the chicken to give to our staff so that we could cook it and all have a wonderful meal because she was so grateful that she was healthy and alive at her age! We sold the chicken and added those funds to our “Mercy Fund” a fund that staff and others contribute to so that we are able to help patients in hard circumstances with their medical care.
I wish I would have taken a picture of this dear woman and her very large rooster but I did not know that was why she was there and I didn’t want to be rude and single her out to take a picture in the clinic just because she brought her chicken with her! Now this woman was possibly in her sixties. It is hard for me to tell here, but she was wrinkled, with a very simple wrapper, and a smile that would touch anyone’s heart. She was thankful that she could give!
You know as I thought about this and just how very encouraging it is to know that even on a day where it seems we go in circles and NOTHING is accomplished, God is using it and making a difference through our little contributions.
This made me think of the time we KNEW God was calling us to something different than our Suburban life and we said, “God, anywhere you want, whatever YOU want, we’re there. We made this decision as individuals and as a couple as well. I believe when God calls one of a couple to something like this He also calls the other as well. He worked on us as individuals before we even got to the point of discussing it as a couple. Isn’t God cool!
I think about the small goals and plans we have for ourselves and our lives, and wonder WHAT IF………………what if we placed everything we are, everything we dreamed, everything we had, our past, our mistakes, our weaknesses. EVERYTHING in His hands. What could He use it for? How will He use it?
Look what He did with a small boys’ lunch of fish and bread. What can He do with YOU?
My thought for this week is this: Have you placed everything you ARE, everything you HAVE, everything you hope to BE in HIS hands? If you have then look out, He has big plans for you!


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